Down on the farm

We went to weed again. The farm is bursting forth with a plethora of little shoots of vegetables. And Weeds. So many weeds. Today I worked on the carrots. The row goes on forever, and a half.

My dad surprised the girls with this tent. There had been a 'threat' of rain here in our valley, which never materialized. So dad set up this tent for the littler girls to have a place to hang out. And in case of sunshine, a place to play and watch the Little K so I can actually do some work. (side note: this tent is very, very old. My dad thinks it is the tent my grandparents stayed in while they waited for their house ... back in 1924!!! I can't imagine living in this for 3 months!)

The tent worked out perfectly. The girls spent a long time sweeping it out and cleaning it up. And then they played with K in it for hours. Of course there were plenty of bathroom 'breaks' and question-to-ask-Mom breaks. But overall it was a success.

I took this shot of Grandpa and little Miss M just seconds after she had let go of his hand. They were walking up to have lunch and she reached over to hold his hand while they walked. They think their grandpas are the best.

Riding in the back of the truck again. Is there anything better than wind whipping your hair while bouncing down the farm road?!

And looking out over the valley of the farm. One of my favorite views. This time of year is so green and beautiful

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  1. This makes me miss my childhood so much! My grandparents never had a farm, but they had an acre and a quarter of property (where my mom & stepdad now live). My grandpa had a modest garden that we worked together over many years. One of my favorite and most fond memories are picking string beans alongside my grandpa then rinsing then and cutting off the stems with a teaspoon alongside my grandma as I stood on a wooden stool at the sink. What an amazing experience for your kiddos!

  2. I love fresh produce. I love gardens. Unfortunately, when I look at plants they die. I do that to animals to, fish, parakeets, lizards, but anyway...What a fun time outdoors!

  3. Patsy - yeah, me too. I am not the grower-type, I just pull the weeds. My daughter got some seeds for her birthday. They grew for awhile until i touched them. They're dying now. But we enjoy being out on the farm and reaping the goods from our weeding.


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