
We've jumped into swimming this summer - along with everything else going on around here! We've got swim lessons, swim league, swim meets. And so that means Saturday mornings will be spent at a pool.

This past Saturday the two older kids had their first team swim meet. They did pretty well for their first ever attempt at racing in water. It was a good way for them to get used to the meet format, and find out what their basic times are.
I'm used to track meets, and running events. Well, swim meets are kind of similar. And yet so different. I'll have to get used to the new terms and conditions. And if anyone has advice for a swimmer-girl's hair, feel free to offer it up! I'm almost ready to cut S.'s long hair shorter.

These two yay-hoos sat poolside and watched the action.

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  1. Swim Cap for the hair! There is a trick to putting them on but I can show you how. Use swim shampoo (I think I use Suave Kids Swim Shampoo)and condition the hair like crazy. I shower the kids immediately after swim lessons and use Aussie 3 min Miracle Conditioner but I dont rinse it out. My girls have thin hair and not much of it. It works well for them. See you on Saturdays!

  2. Put conditioner in her hair before she swims and wear a swim cap. The conditioner will coat the hair and protect it from the chlorine.

  3. Having been through years & years of this, I've picked up a few tips along the way. 1st: get hair soaking wet in the shower before swimming, so it is already saturated & doesn't soak up as much pool water. 2nd: wash hair as soon as possible, while still soaking, after swimming. 3rd: brush through hair in the shower, with water running on it. 4th: leave in conditioner, any type - doesn't have to be special leave-in type (use less of regular) -especially helpful with curly hair. Things that don't affect hair: swim caps & type of shampoo. Swim caps reduce drag, but don't protect hair much. Shampoo is immaterial, as long as you shampoo immediately. The routine is pretty easy to get into. Jill can go from pool to the car in 10 minutes.

  4. Oops!I hit anonymous on that last comment, but I guess you figured out it was me! :)

  5. Thanks for the suggestions! We'll try them tonight.

  6. Who is that sneaky anonymous Debbie Smith person?!?


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