Spotlight 4

It's time again for a spotlight of the blogs I read. Those ones listed over there under "On My Break". In the past I've told you about Nate's Nonsense, Knit Together, and Bluu Hippo. So today I'll feature 3 of the places I like to go --Uniquely Normal, Pie in the Sky, and I Can do All Things (now renamed The Holy or the Broken).
First, Uniquely Normal. It's a blog by a relative of mine. She actually chose to come into the family by marrying my cousin. (I can kind of understand that .... I still shake my head at my sisters-in-law though. As wonderful as I think they are, I can't imagine what they see in my brothers. Really don't know ... but that's beside the point.) Anyway,  this cousin-in-law of mine intrigues me with her thoughts and viewpoint on life. I don't always agree, but I enjoy reading about her day to day life, and since they are basically newlyweds (1.5 yrs qualifies as new to me!) it is interesting for me to read about their navigating the beginning of their life together.
My second spotlight is on Pie in the Sky. I think I stumbled across her blog while looking at another one (Coal Creek) She must have mentioned something about homeschooling or about Oregon, two words that jump out at me. I don't know why, but I get excited when I find other blogs about life in Oregon, or the Pacific NW, or even the Coastal states. Because as much as I like reading about Oklahoma cowboys (Pioneer Woman), I relate to Northwesterners. Pie in the Sky also has a "large" family, 7 kids! OK, so not quite like the "large" family I came from, but still, just another thread that I can pull on and relate to. And a couple of her children are the same age as mine. That's always nice. Oh, and her pies and cakes! Amazing! Incredible! You've got to check them out.
Finally my third spotlight ... I Can Do All Things, which is under new name-ship (the holy or the broken). Patsy is a runner and I think that is what struck me first. She and her husband are more hard core runners then G. and I are at this point. Marathons, 50K's, running for 24 hours... crazy, but inspiring. I have no idea how I stumbled across her blog. I just know I loved it from the beginning. She is not afraid to say what's on her mind. She's transparent (well as much as you can be on the Internet). She has wonderful insight into our Christian faith, and she is a joy to read. Especially her posts about her daughter! We all know kids say the funniest things, and it appears, from her blog, they don't necessarily grow out of it as they get older.
So these are a couple I check into regularly; hope you go look around and enjoy them too.


  1. have you ever read I know she's in Oregon for the summer. She's got an awesome blog.

  2. Oh thanks! I checked it out - and added it to my bookmarks :)


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