Around our world

Over here we've been busy living this life. So here is a little randomness from our days:
Lots to do, sometimes so little energy to do it. We are finally all over the colds that plagued us for the month of February. The sun is out and even when it rains it still feels like spring! instead of winter dreariness.

I went running for the first time yesterday since it snowed at the beginning of Feb. Which means I had 3 weeks off. Which means I was only able to go a little ways. My niece, with whom I am running the marathon in May, is up to 18 miles. She is going to smoke me! I am going to do this, and I am going to finish, but I am not so confident now about how well I'm going to do.

The Mr's new job means he needs new clothes. Most of his shirts have the old company's logo on them. Can't really wear those to the new place! So we went shopping last Saturday, just he and I. And that was actually pretty fun. It sure is nice to finally be at the place in life where we can leave the kids home for awhile, knowing they are doing the work they needed to do, (they mopped, and cleaned and made cookies! and took care of the 3 yr old.) Maybe the next time we'll go shopping for my new clothes.

Our goal this year is to work on relationships with friends and family. Instead of just relating by computer, or just writing the once-a-year-Chrismas-letter, we really want to strengthen those relationships. Ever since changing from Sunday morning church to Sat. evening church, we rarely see the people we once hung out with. So we have to be intentional about having them over. So last Sunday we invited some friends to lunch. What a blast - 6 adults, 6 teens and 10 kids 10 and under - all together in our house!

We got to hold a brand new baby last week. My niece had her first child, a boy, and I took all the kids to visit them in the hospital! What a wonderful thing it is to hold a brand new life. So tiny and sweet and squishy! It almost made me want another one. Almost. 

This week I am working on distractions with the homeschool kids, as in they are easily distracted by Little K, and we need to figure this out. I know, nearly 7 months into the school year, and I am just getting to this. (I've never been particularly quick.)
So we got out some shaving cream and let Little K play and play while the older girls did their work. Today is was a fort day. Dots built a fort and the theory was that K would play in it. But the reality is that all 3 of them are playing in it. Well, at least it's lunch time break, and the school will be there once the break is over.

And that is some of the randomness that makes up our life.


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