
It has begun.
The first day of weeding the garbanzo beans out at Grandpa's farm.
While the older two kids finish up the school year this week, the younger 3 and I headed out to the farm for our first weeding. This is the second summer that Grandpa has planted g.beans for us to weed, harvest and then get paid for when they sell. Thankfully he and a cohort take care of the selling/marketing part of it! We just get to do the grunt work.
It was a gorgeous morning out there, and we managed to get 6 rows down - of course Grandpa helped us get that far. The rows are about 300 feet long or so. I was a little concerned about how my tired legs would do - but they are so much better today! I don't feel like I am a little old lady anymore. Just a sore 40+ year old. And it was hand weeding today - so my legs got a rest ... my knees however ... no so much.


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