
I know, I know, it was last week that we celebrated Independence Day around here. Life has been busy. Maybe I should re-title my blog to that phrase!
Well, this year we celebrated the 4th a little differently than usual. We didn't go on the annual family camping trip; which was a little bit of a bummer, but not too much because the weather was SO dang hot and I enjoyed being able to cool off inside my house instead of sweltering in a tent. The Mr. had to work also (he did get to stay home Sunday thankfully) so I didn't feel up to camping without his calming influence and strong tent-setting muscles.
Instead, I took the younger girls to a parade. We sat at the end of the parade route (because we decided a little late to go to it) and we sat. And we sat. And we waited.
Nearly an hour on the curbside (because why would we come prepared with chairs?!) and my backside was pretty sore. I managed to get up and buy the three of them some ice cream right before the parade came down our part of the route.
It was a fun parade; maybe next year we will make out to the beginning of the route and see more of it. The parade seemed kind of sparse, and I wonder if it had to do with the heat, and the length of the walk.

Later in the afternoon, once the Mr had gotten home and relaxed, he took some of the kids down to buy fireworks - the legal kind. But we didn't have our own fireworks show until Sunday night. On Sat night we joined a bunch of friends out in Mt. Angel to watch the special fireworks show there. Our friend plays in the community band and so we got to listen to some great patriotic music before the show started.
They were selling ice cream and strawberries, so we also had a fun dessert while we visited with friends and waited for the sun to go down.
  The boys threw the football. The girls ate snacks and danced to the music.

It was a late night by the time we got home, but such a fun way to celebrate our country's freedom.


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