
Spring break.
Sleeping in. No lesson plans. No grading.
Yes, this homeschool mom takes a spring break when the schools do, especially since I have three in school now. But even before that we would take a break around the same time so that we could play with friends; although we would usually wait until the week after to go anywhere!
The first day of break was a Friday and I was the one who was gone all day while the kids stayed home! I had errands/shopping to do all morning and then after lunch I headed to Corvallis.
Because that is where The Basketball Games were being held. We were able to get tickets to the first and second games of the NCAA women's basketball championships! And our OSU women's team won both games! They were exciting games and fun times with my Mr and later with my girl who swims (but also enjoys basketball)
The rest of the week was a much needed rest. I took the girls shopping one day. We rarely have time to go when they are in school, and after-school sports. We spent another morning at the library, which resulted in a quiet afternoon of book-reading by the fire. (For non-Oregonians, spring break means rain. The sun comes out the day the kids go back to school.) We visited the grandparents, and we played games as a family. Some of the kids caught a cold, so they caught up on sleep that week also. We had friends over to do our once-a-decade Easter egg dying. I actually felt like doing this activity this year instead of using plastic eggs. The last time we did this was with our exchange student back in 2005! None of the kids even remembered it.
Our 'big' family trip was a one-day excursion to Wildlife Safari. It was a lot of fun, being together, and seeing the wild animals outside of the car window. (There was plenty of wildness inside the vehicle.)
This was our third trip there. On the previous visits the kids have gotten their first chance to 'drive' the car, so we kept the tradition going and let Little K have a turn at the wheel. This time with supervision. Her last attempt at driving wasn't so fun.

We capped the week off with our Easter celebration. Church in the morning and then the obligatory family photo - I finally got the kids to stand still, keep off their tiptoes, keep their hands out of each others' hair and smile.
 We went to my sister and brother-in-law's home to meet up with extended family. Cousins galore, aunts, uncles and more...
 The children under 12 got the first go at the egg hunt - the plastic eggs filled with toys or money. The girls made quite a lot of bank this year!
 And then it was time for the big kids to search. My brother hid the dyed eggs we had made; it took some hints,
 and a little helper (!) but they eventually found all the eggs.
 It also happened to be my mom's birthday the day before, so we celebrated that also.
 And finally, no family celebration would be complete without a game of some sort. I have memories of my brothers playing football out in the field of our home after Thanksgiving - or any other holiday - and my kids are keeping that tradition going along with their little cousins.
Monday morning was difficult - but the rest and memories of this spring break will keep me going until summer at least.


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