Prayers of a mother

Midnight phone calls don't bring good news. Midnight phone calls set a parent's heart to racing. The call I got last night thankfully was not as bad as it could be. The damage to our car, or our son, could have been worse. A few more inches, and more than just a license plate could've been lost.
But it wasn't worse.
The phone call from our shaken-up son, the lost license plate (which has since been recovered), the intact car and boy, are all reminders to me of how seconds, inches, can change things - of how precious every moment is - and also reminds me of how important prayer is. It is to God's glory that all is fine here today. I may have aches and tiredness, but our family is all here and for that I am thankful. I am thankful for the unseen protection our son had, and I don't take it for granted.


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