The Month of May

This month went by in a flash. The running season is over now, but wow, what a great one it was!
My 7th grader finished her track season the first week of May, giving her more time to focus on her 4-H work, and school work.
The high schoolers kept going for another few weeks. The District Meet was quite exciting, ending the meet with lightning and thunder storm. The Boy ran the 4x400 pretty quickly carrying a metal baton in his hand as he ran the track, seeing lightning in the distance. The boys' team placed 2nd and were on to State. His 4x100 relay team also placed to go to the State Meet! The weather was extremely hot for our region that day, and the individual races for both The Boy, and his sister, did not go as well as we had hoped. The Boy ran the 800 but placed 4th (>). Our Girl Who Swims (and Runs) placed in the 1500 at 4th (?) and in the 800 at 6th (?)

We have another runner in the family - the 10 year old signed up for the local annual 3k for children. All of the kids, except our youngest, have run this race occasionally throughout the years. This year just she signed up. It was a beautiful morning and she ran great, no side cramps this time!

Mother's Day was a bit anti-climatic compared to all the track meets! I had a nice relaxing afternoon, and we went for a walk in the park, and then out to eat. I didn't have to cook at all, and that is always a Win in my book.

My sister retired this month. Which means more time for her to go on field trips with us! Her retirement party was at my brother's house, and even though it was a cloudy drizzly day, we still partied with the far-flung relatives. Good times.
Mountain Climbing. The Mr. has started his adventures again, and I am ok with this, because that is who he is. But, we both have agreed that neither of us will go climbing solo again. That will be easy for me to do, not as easy for him. So he joined a climbing group, and in the last month has gone on 2 'training' climbs. Even though he has been climbing for nearly 40 years, he learned some new things, and more importantly, he met some like-minded people with whom he can climb those mountains. Next thing you know, our kids are going to be taking these classes and joining Dad in the fun.

The State Meet was a great day! The two teams did really well, placing 8th in the State for both relays, which means the Boy brought home medals for both races. We were there for all the races on the second day, which means we got to see other teammates run and some of them got on the podium to receive some hardware also. Our kids have been so blessed by the team, and getting to know these other kids, and their families - and in return our family has been blessed as well.

May is almost over. I've thoroughly enjoyed the busyness of it all, but I am also looking forward to school being out this week. And seeing more of my kids. Although the Boy has summer basketball in June ....


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