
How do you deal with disappointment?
When you're six, crying is usually tolerated. Last weekend we got another round of snow, lots of it; so much that everything was canceled.
We had family from out of state arrive on Friday night. We were looking forward to basketball games and swim meets, sharing our lives with our visitors.
Then cancellations started trickling in. And all of our plans were wiped out. Little K had been so excited to have her very first basketball game and to have her cousins there to watch. When you've been dragged to numerous games and meets for older siblings, having someone special there to come to your game .... Well it's enough to send a 6 year old into a near frenzy. Alas, it was not to be.
So we readjusted, relaxed and spent plenty of time inside playing while the snow blew outside.
This last weekend we had a number of plans too. Our lives are busy, so nearly every day has plenty in it. But once again, disappointment visited our house. The fevers hit our youngest two minions. Once again, no basketball game, no church, no friends over to play (thankfully no cousins here either to get the sickness!)
But then on Wednesday, the skies parted. Well, the sunshine came out at least. The rain fell and melted all the snow. I was able to go for a run - the first time in 2 weeks. It felt wonderful. So even though there was disappointment, eventually there was joy.


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