
On Friday I spent the whole day with these two

Actually I spend nearly every day with them; but this time we were in about a 3-foot radius of each other all day, from 10:30 in the morning until about 9 at night. And we weren't doing schoolwork.
It was a Go day.
We did our banking and then we went shopping - first for birthday gifts, and then we saw shoes, and clothes, and got a little sidetracked. Because we were suppose to be getting groceries.But first we needed lunch, so I took them out for a treat. We don't regularly go out to fast food places - except in the summer when we are at Grandpa's farm, so even Burger King for lunch in the winter is a special deal for my kids.
(Side note - I can specifically remember a handful of times my own mom took me out for lunch while we were shopping. Usually we had to get home to make lunch for others, but once in a great while we would stop at McDonalds for a special treat.)
And then it was on to grocery shopping. This is where their legs seemed to get tired and they both wanted to ride in the cart. Pushing a 6 year old and an 11 year old around the grocery store .... well, I just couldn't. So they whined a tiny bit, and leaned on me and leaned on the cart. But we made it through. It was close to the time we needed to pick up one older sister from school, but not so close that we had to go right away. So after storing the groceries int he trunk, we stopped into Burlington Coat Factory. You didn't' know that store was a special place, did ya? Well it is for my girls. Because ... It. Has. Escalators.
Somehow their tired legs weren't so tired anymore. We checked out the cute dresses upstairs after the ride up, and then because of the clock, we had to take the ride down.
After a brief stop at the school and at home, it was back in the car to drop off the sister. Not enough time to go home again ... so -gasp- I took them out to eat again! Another kid favorite for supper -- IHOP. We had a fun time playing the menu games, and eating breakfast for supper. Then it was time to go - the reason we stayed in town was because the older sister was in her drama performance that night. So we had 'shopping, dinner and a show'. The play was very funny, and to top off the day's fun, they got some money to spend at the concession stand.
I think the two younger ones had a fun. I know I did.


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