Preparing for Another Year

The Mr. came across our daughter, the One who Swims, laying on the kitchen counter. When asked what she was doing, she answered, "Instagram."
When it was mentioned that the couch would be more comfortable, her reply: "It's too far to walk."
Yup, a whole 15 steps away.
Swim practices have been hard on her this Christmas break.

She has been swimming daily-doubles with her teammates; along with a signed 'contract' to not eat junk food during the season, her swimming has really improved.
We're thinking we might approach the Boy's basketball coach and suggest daily doubles, and no-junk-food contracts for those teams also.

Basketball season is in full swing for high school now. (Our 8th grader finished up in October.) He has scored and gotten rebounds when he is in the game, so that has been fun to watch, although his playing time at this point isn't quite what it used to be. Every season is a growing season, a learning season. No one is ever too old to learn something.

Speaking of which, I look back on the 6 years our Boy has been at away-school, I don't think I am the same person I was when I sent my firstborn off to school at age 12. I've changed from an insecure, awkward homeschool mom to just an awkward, but-trying, mom. Sometimes it feels like we grew up a little along with our kids as they navigate the world.

As we begin a new year, the tradition of resolutions is on my mind. But I'm making some goals for this year. A few are similar to ones I made in January of 2016;
2016 - 1. Read through the Bible (didn't make it)
2017 - 1. Read through the Bible in a year - doing this with my husband and a number of other church friends.

2016 - 2. Run a 5k with each of my family members (we all ran the Thanksgiving 5K together)
2017 - 2. Run regularly - training to do a 5K, and a Half sometime this year

2016 - 3. Acknowledge family members birthdays (oops. Facebook only.)
2017 - 3. Visit my in-laws regularly (monthly??)

2016 - 4. Pray for my husband every morning
2017 - 4. Pray for my husband and each child every day

2016 - 5. Blog at least once a week.
2017 - 5. Blog.

2017 - More and more, when faced with opportunities, I am asking myself - Am I living abundantly? Am I Living, or Existing? Am I taking the easy way out?  Am I embracing the life God has blessed me with? So I am going to continue on with that as part of my decision-making process, trying to live this life abundantly.


  1. A friend of mine selects a word for the year. I'm going to try that this year, too. I'm leaning towards the word Focus, using that to determine my activities. I've thought of four areas: God, creativity, health, and relationships. Am wondering if that's too many, but don't want to cut out any of them.


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