In my corner

In my corner of the world this past week:
I read Gary Thomas' book "Beautiful Fight" - just started it actually, I am into the 3rd chapter. His books are pretty 'meaty' and I need to chew through them slowly. I also read a lot of textbooks this week;
I watched another disc of the Gilmore Girls, season 3's ending. I can't help it -- I am addicted to these. I realized this at 11 pm last night when I wanted more GG's and it was all over; we also watched The Blind Side again, love that movie;
I went to church, to my mom's to can beans, to a doctor's appointment, to my in-laws, to the state fair, and football practice;
I laughed at my kids. Unfortunately one of them didn't take it well and I am figuring out how to read her still;
I made pastry puffs which are nearly like donuts and taste oh so much better;
I bought school supplies. The day we started school I realized we needed spiral notebooks, and that I had ordered the 3rd grade math book instead of the 4th grade one;
I listened to the radio while I snapped green beans. And to the sound of my 4 month old jabbering;
I learned there is more than one plant that eats bugs;


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