Another Random

We're working through the computer issues we have had. I think I am back to being able to blog with photos again. Here is the birthday cake from last weekend. It's hard for me to believe my little girl is 7. Here is littlest sister peaking out from behind *some* of the gifts. It's amazing how gullible a 13 year old can be sometimes. And how much my husband likes to try and trick him (and the girls) whenever he can. We were attempting to fix a cable that connects our Xbox with the TV. G had the boy semi-convinced that holding the foil on his head would help the "signal". He realized when I got the camera out that this wasn't quite the case. We woke up one morning to a hot air balloon nearly over our house. It was close enough we could see the forms of the people in it. I'm sure they could hear us too. Little K was pretty thrilled with the whole thing. Later in the day she had a (homemade!) granola bar. I made them a little differently th...