Training Update

It was a long cold week here. I didn't get out to run all week due to other circumstances. So finally today, after most of the snow and ice is gone, I headed out for a long slow run. It was only 29 out, but it was dry and not the typical wet Oregon snow - so it felt fine. Wearing 2 or 3 layers helped keep me nice and warm.
The training for the spring marathon is starting in earnest now. After talking with my niece who is running the marathon with me, I realized I am going to be falling behind if I don't get my act together. I thought I was doing ok getting up to 4 miles, and then my niece, who is down in Chile, responds that she is up to 7.5 and adding more each week. Oh. Dear.
So I planned to run 5 today, and actually went over and made almost 6. And it felt really good! Maybe I can do this after all.


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