3 in a row

It's officially the start of training season for me. Which means I have 17 weeks to go until the marathon.
It wasn't so big a deal when I knew I was 19+ but now, having a week done and looking at the calendar, I am feeling a minor twinge of apprehension.
Yesterday was day 3 of my 3 in a row run. And by last night I was Tired. I'll be finding a nap today at some point. So I can be ready for the long run this weekend!
We're also volunteering at a local race this weekend. It will be my first time on the other side of a road race. Ive helped at cross country meets some, but this is like a real road race with grown-ups and serious runners and everything. I am pretty excited about it!

In other sports news. ... basketball season is nearly at an end! How can that be?! It seems like the Boy just started! It has been fun to watch him progress and really improve on his game. I just love watching basketball whether he is in the game or not! He was named captain of the team last week - grin - I'm just as proud of that as I am of his scoring or rebounding or stealing. (The only time I ever want him to steal is in basketball!)

The girls are on a hiatus from sports right now. Mama's sanity needed a little break. So we've got the piano lessons and the church activities keeping us going. And the Girl in School is now taking drama and art, so we've got a bit of artistic drama playing out for us after school. (Like the girls need a lesson in drama?! Ha!)


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