The Campers

We had a bit of a segregated weekend this time around. G took the boy out to the woods for some backpacking/camping. They were gone for about 28 hours, but it was all good.I had the girls, who had birthday parties to go to, so in between those and getting Jamba Juice, we had some good 'girl time' together; the clincher being when we locked my purse, with cell phone, keys, etc. in the truck. I had high hopes of checking out the farmer's market and the downtown basketball tournament. Instead we spent 2 1/2 hours trying to get back into the pickup. I am very thankful for AAA and my sister; plus the shade we 'happened' to park in.


  1. If you would've had the Cheeseburger Chill from Jamba Juice you wouldn't have left your keys in the trunk. They say the Cheeseburger Chill gives its drinkers pure brain power. :)


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