Sounds of summer

The backyard has become a sports arena this week.
Today I am hearing the sounds of a baseball game from the four children out there.
"Run! RUN!" yells one sister to another.
"I AM!" yells the younger one back at her.
And then I hear, "You better go back to third or I'm gonna tackle you."
Yes, baseball can quickly turn into football here.

Earlier in the week when I had had quite enough of their attitudes I sent the 4 of them out to pull weeds. Out of the house, ahhhh, peace and quiet.
Next thing I know, they are done with the weeds (nice job!) and are putting together a kid Olympics for themselves. They had out a measuring tape and stopwatch and all kinds of different sports to complete. And each of them won first in their age division.

It takes me back to when I was a kid and we had a game of softball in the back field nearly every night. The neighbor kids would come over and we would split up into teams. We would often play until we couldn't see anymore. I think my dad would join in occasionally when my older brothers were still around.
I love summer games.


  1. Did you ever play "egore" ? the night game where we hid in the ditches and tried to sneek up on each other? basically a king of the mountain in the dark, scaring each other.
    Linda G

  2. I don't remember that one, but we probably did!


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