Tuesdays Rants and Raves

OK, so I don't really have a rant today. Nothing that chaps my hide so far this week. Instead I came up with 2 raves.
First, Farm Fresh Produce. Don't you just love summer and all the fresh food?! I never appreciated it as a kid. We had so much fresh food back then; (the only way my parents could afford to feed all of us I guess!) There were peaches, cherries, apples and berries, pears, and all that the garden could produce. Now up at my dad's farm there are peaches, pears, apples, cherries, berries, and all that a garden can produce.
I have very vivid memories of getting up early on hot summer days and helping my mom either prepare for canning, or pick the berries to make jam. And earlier this week I had my own daughters help me make jam from our raspberries.
Today we went and picked peas, carrots and cherries at the farm. Yum! Eating them straight out of the ground, or off the bush just can't be beat! I heard some grumbling from the kids about the heat and the work, but it was in between the chomping of vegetables.
Back then my brother and I would sit at the kitchen table snapping beans for my mom's canning, while listening to the radio if we were lucky. Today my 4 kids are at the step, shelling peas as they listen to a tape of Adventures in Odyssey.
I think I might even attempt to make a cherry pie this year, a first for me. Thank you God for fresh food!

My second rave this week also has to do with food, in a way. Before baby K was born I bought a computer program called "Master Cook 9". It is wonderful! I have been inputting all of my recipes - a slow job, but worth it - and eventually I will be able to merge my recipes with a shopping list and make sure I have what I need in the cupboards for the week's meals. (My husband can attest that this feature will definitely save me time and money and frustration. I often start a meal just to realize I don't have that key ingredient. Sometimes I improvise and that works OK, and sometimes it doesn't.) My friend Debbie showed me this program and demonstrated how it works. And I love it! I can keep track of all my recipes in the same format. I can import recipes from other places, print them out if needed, and oh so many other cool tools. It also has cookbooks included in it so I can look through other recipes I might not have and try new things. I enjoy reading cookbooks, so I am looking forward to doing that during this coming winter.


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