Tuesdays Rants and Raves

The rant this week: crazy drivers.
You've got the one who never uses their turn indicator. Argh. Drives me crazy! How was I suppose to know they wanted me to let them in front? If they had used their blinker I would have gladly made room ... but no, they just decide to cut over and cause my heart to palpitate faster than it should.
Then there are the drivers who weave. In and out and in and out. Like that will get them to their destination any quicker? Usually not. There was one trip last year where G and I were driving down a freeway, and a 'weaver' came up on us really fast. He was not driving safely and we were not happy. We just wished there was a cop around. Well, a few miles later we saw flashing lights ... and, lo and behold, this time our wishes came true! The crazy driver had been pulled over by a police officer.
One thing my sister said a long time ago, not to get mad at the stupid or crazy drivers, but to pray that no one gets hurt by them. So I try to do that. Doesn't always happen ... but then I'm still a work in progress too.

OK, on to today's Rave: husbands who run. Actually I guess it is more husbands who share similar interests as their wives.
My dear husband has been a swimmer for a few years now. When we signed up for a gym membership he also took some swimming lessons - something neither of us had in our youth. I am not a swimmer, not really a water person; once in awhile is OK, and back when I was a kid, yeah, but not now ... but that is a topic for another day. Anyway, after various reasons for being away from the gym, G has made it back in there with a new game plan. He not only swims, but changes it up with lifting weights and RUNNING. Yes, running! Something I once dreamed about when I was doing my own running last year. I would imagine us going for early morning runs together, finding time and companionship on the long roads. And finally, without any prompting or mention from me, G takes up running and likes it, and wants to run a race now!! I am overjoyed! Of course, I haven't gotten to go on a run since. .. well since the time Ii tried awhile back; but knowing G is running is motivation for me to try again.


  1. Crazy drivers? Ba ha haaaaa! Come for a visit. John has been driving in this stuff for 6 months and he still mutters. But some of the stunts are so ridiculous (to us) that we just laugh!


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