
From this:
To this:

It has taken us 14 years, 5 kids, only 2 house-moves, 2 dogs, numerous friends, 3 pastors, 2 churches, numerous family members, and probably thousands upon thousands of dollars to get this far.
And we've got a long way to go!
We went out to dinner last night without the kids. It was my first experience at Chipotle - oh wow, is that good food!! And then, to mix things up, instead of going to the usual date-night-at-Home-Depot, we went to .... the mall! Oh yes, wild and crazy, that was our night. Actually we had fun just walking around the mall at 8:00 at night. There was hardly anyone around; the clerks were helpful, but not too helpful because they were tired and ready to go home. So just the right amount of helpful. We stopped in a card-store and showed each other the anniversary card we would've bought for each other. G. definitely was the winner this year on the funniest card (no surprise there!) It showed a picture of an older couple on the front of the card in their swimsuits. It wasn't exactly a pretty sight. And the inside of it said, "Still turning heads."
One of the things I love best about G. is his sense of humor. Usually. Sometimes he can just be a pill to bug me and make me react. Like today, when he did this, instead of cooperating with the camera. But life is never dull with him around, and that's how I like it!
 Happy Anniversary best friend of mine!


  1. Happy Anniversary you two! =) Still waiting for you to come visit the islands!!!!!

    That's a funny picture. Thank goodness for digital cameras, huh? If you had to wait for film to be developed in order to see that he was making faces in all the pictures, you'd be without a decent picture to share!

    Ann M

  2. HAPPY 14TH! How time has gone - and yet you both look youthful!! Good genes! And good life together!

  3. Congratulations! Your marriage and parenthood are models for the next generation.


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