Farm day

It's spring here in Oregon! Finally sunshine, and plants are growing. Which also means weeds are growing.
The kids and I headed out to my dad's farm yesterday morning to help him with some of those weeds. We weren't able to be out there at planting time this year, so we'll make up for it by maintenance.
As soon as we hit the beginning of the gravel driveway that leads to the farm, the kids beg me to stop so they can climb into the back of the pickup. I usually don't let them until we get to the farmhouse. But oh, how I remember the thrill of riding in the back with the wind in my hair.
When I grew up in southern Oregon, we had some acreage outside of town, in the hills of Jacksonville. It would take us about half an hour to drive there. Back in those days there weren't seat belt laws and most of the time I would ride in the back of the truck with a brother or two, or three. It was fantastic on a warm day!. Now my kids can experience that a little bit. Not quite a half an hour's worth, but enjoyable still.
So while we were there yesterday morning I had the help of the younger three girls pulling weeds from the humongous long row of peas and lettuce. The older two kids helped my dad with weeding his garbanzo beans. My oldest wasn't too keen on working today, but I think he finally got the Why of it all. I noticed today just how old my parents are getting. (Hey you who are related don't tell them this.) They can't move as quickly nor get as much done as they used to even a year ago. But once a farmer, always a farmer. I don't think we'll see my dad quit the farm until the very end.
And the kids know that if they don't work, they don't eat. Grandpa likes to take them to B.K. for lunch. So that's also a good motivator for pulling weeds, and spending time with the grandparents.
Baby K. spent the first hour in the stroller, eating her snack, and looking around. But then she had enough, and the girls walked with her up and down the rows. She stopped to sit in the door and feel it in her fingers. Thankfully not too much ended up in/on her face.
After lunch the older two got to finish up their row of hoeing and then off to shoot the BB guns. A nice reward for a hard job.


  1. I won't tell - but we talk about how it takes us longer to do things!! How did my mom paint her cabinets by herself while in her 80's. Sure hope we all continue to stay healthy - even if slower. Still, we keep going. So glad your kids have the opportunity to be at a farm - even sharing the work. Good development for work ethics.


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