
Getting ready to go on vacation is a lot like having a baby.
This thought came to me as I was stirring up some rice crispy treats. I had found a very, very old bag of marshmallows (like from Christmas ... maybe). I decided I had better use them up, and what better way than to make a little treat for the family I am leaving behind.
Tomorrow I start my trek to Texas, with my little Baby K. Taking a one year old on the plane doesn't excite me. But the end result should be worth it! I get to see my brother's house (finally) and visit with him and his family, whom I haven't seen in years. And I get to see my niece (my god-daughter) graduate from high school! I still remember the day I got the call from my brother about her birth; ah .. happy memories.
So I have been cleaning, and making lists (oh so many lists!) and shopping, and storing up groceries for G. to utilize while I am gone. Just like I did when I was planning before I had the baby. Except this time it is a little easier. I have a lot more energy and a lot less tummy to deal with.


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