In my corner

In my corner of the world this past week
I did ... our taxes. Just the preliminary figuring. I wrote down the numbers, researched the numbers, added the numbers. It was kind of, sort of, fun. Almost like solving a puzzle.
I ran ... and ran! I made it up to 5 miles today! My first mile was alone, kind of a warm up. Then I snagged our dog and ran with her 2 miles. She is such a good pace-setter. And getting better at not chasing the squirrels. Or else they are hiding when we go by. The last 2 miles I exchanged the canine pacer for a minion-pacer.  My daughter and her bicycle helped me finish up. Oh, it feels good to go this distance one again!
I baked ... heart sugar cookies last week. Most of them went to my son's basketball team for snacks, but the girls and G got some too. We didn't do a big Valentines Day celebration, because, really every day is a Love-ly day with my family. (But we did watch the Charlie Brown special!)
I watched ... plenty of basketball. I love the game; I loved playing it back in the day, and I so enjoy watching our kids play, and improve! each week.
I also watched .. the new show of this season's Amazing Race. My one TV addiction. I totally think my niece and nephew could get on this show and win the million! (Brother T, maybe you should tell them!)
I listened to .. my daughter do a terrific job at the regional Awana Bible Quiz. And because she did so well, she made it to the State Finals too! She placed with a silver medal for the State round! Woohoo! I was blown away by how much of the Bible she has memorized; I would not have even made it to the Regionals if I was asked those questions. Pretty proud of our girl for storing the Word in her heart. Her sister also made it to Regionals, but didn't answer enough right to go on to State.
And, I budgeted ... our income. We're taking a financial class, and changing our way of thinking about, and spending, the money. It hasn't been easy, but the good things rarely are.


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