Winner winner

When my girls get a hold of my camera I find numerous, odd photos.
But to spare you, I only included a couple of them.
here's one of a girl jumping in the air. As my oldest girl explained,
  it was hard to get just the right shot.
Yeah, I kind of figured that out when I saw all the pictures on the camera.
These girls make me laugh.
Tonight our two older daughters participated in the regional Awana Bible Quiz here at our church.
It was pretty cool to watch, and hear, them answer so many questions about the Bible. They have studied hard, and memorized a ton of Scripture. They also participated last year, but this year.... this year, the oldest girl got 2nd place! Wahoo! And she is going to the State "playoffs" next weekend!
Thankfully it is being held locally - at our church! - so I can juggle the basketball games and the quizzing day.
And I came across this scene at Little K's dollhouse earlier in the week:
hmm... I wonder if this is what she sees a lot of?
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