Is that sunshine??

We got outside Thursday! The sun was (sort of) shining, and we needed firewood; so a trip to the farm was on the day's agenda. And what a fine afternoon it was.
The girls helped load up some wood, and then we had enough time before we had to pick up the Boy from school, to take a walk down the lane.
The girls actually asked if we could stay a little longer, because, as they said, they never got time to play out there, and wanted to stay long enough to run around and play.

So we walked and looked and laughed and ran.

Little K. likes the camera, and wants to see the photos immediately! and she also likes to have the camera in her own little hands to take pictures. I let her this time.

Most of the pictures came out like this:

On the was to get big brother, the little one was worn out - well and it was nap time - so she had a good sleep in the car.

This is what her older sisters do when they are waiting;
In other happenings of the weekend ...
I made it up to 4 miles today! Hurrah! It has taken some time but I am starting to feel better about my running again, and I think I might have a chance at that half-marathon I signed up for.
I've been running a little farther with the dog. She used to go just a mile with me; last week I bumped it up to a 2-mile run. And she did great! She seemed a little tired... until she saw a squirrel!! Holy cow, that didn't help my stride at all! And this dog has a good memory. Every time we go by that one spot, she expects the squirrel to be there!
That Football Game was on our TV today. I didn't really watch it. I saw maybe 3 of the commercials - and didn't really miss the others. My favorite? The Dodge Farmer commercial. Not only do I totally love Paul Harvey - my mom listened to him every morning! But the farmer - that would be my dad. And his dad. And quite possibly his dad too.
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