Movin' on up

Daddy, I want to help. This little one loves to be in the thick of things, whether it is hauling firewood (she actually sobbed the day the kids were helping move firewood and I wouldn't let her outside) or helping build the addition - laying down flooring in the girls' room.

So these pictures were taken earlier in the week. Today!! was moving day. Even though the bunk beds were put up -and slept in - on Tuesday, it wasn't until today that we had time to start moving more furniture, clothes, books, and all the paraphernalia that two girls have. I had hoped to have photos to share ... but the girls have discovered something on the camera called "video" and have worn out the batteries. So no new photos until I go to the store and get some more. But at least they are happily ensconced in their new bedroom. And I have a bunch of organizing to do downstairs!

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