Store loyalty

I've been going to the same store for about 13 years. Sometimes when I think about it, that blows me away. There are a couple of cashiers who have basically watched my kids grow up, and seen our family grow from one to five.
We have a certain cashier we like to go to; the kids call her "The Nice Lady," as in , "Mom we need to go to lane 8. The Nice Lady is there!" She is friendly, and always smiling.
Maybe she remembers us because the kids are nice. Maybe it's because taking 4 or 5 kids grocery shopping is a novelty to some people. For whatever reason, she knows who we are.
And today something happened that I just need to applaud her for.
Last week we went in for our big grocery trip. We had a lot of stuff to get, along with a number of coupons. One of the girls always likes to be in charge of the coupons and handing them over to the cashier. At the end, I check to make sure the coupons were received, and then off we go.
This week we had to stop in for our quick grocery stop, and while we were there the 3 older girls had to visit the bathroom. On their way back to find me, the Nice Lady stopped them - and Gave Them Some Money!, Yes! She explained that she had forgotten to scan the coupons last time, and knowing we would be back, held on to them. When she saw the girls, she took care of it, and handed them the money and receipt. Wow! It was only $3, but still, that was pretty awesome.
I love my WinCo store, and their employees! I'm pretty sure we'll be going back there for many more years to come.


  1. you should write this out on a comment card to the store manager to let the big corporate people know how special their workers are!

    1. I actually sent an edited version of it to the store manager via email. And even got a personal reply Thank you back from them!


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