
Birthday month has begun! We started the party Friday night, with my in-laws coming over to celebrate the Mr's birthday a little early. We had his favorite - berry pie, and sherbet and ice cream.
I decided to get out some special plates that had been sitting in the cupboard collecting dust. Lots of dust. I thought it was about time to just start using them! and not waiting for that special day/party. Because, really, every time we celebrate another year, it is a special time. These plates are a 16-piece set that my parents received way back in the day for their wedding. My mom gave them to me awhile ago, knowing she wouldn't be using them to entertain anymore. Just for reference, my parents were married nearly 60 years ago! So these dishes are probably classified as antiques. Not that it matters, I just think it's cool to be using the ones my mom did.
We didn't do as much celebrating on Saturday since half the family went to work out on the farm, and the other half (my half) had stuff to do around town and home. But Sunday! Phew! What a birthday!
The Mr. is one of the most selfless guys I know! For his birthday he got up early, made sure I was on my way, alone, by 7:30 am, and then got all 5 kids ready to go, to leave the house by 8.30. Then he proceeded to drive around our old college town with all the kids while I ran a half-marathon. They cheered me on, and kept me going, especially miles 4-8 when I just felt like crying and quitting. After the race we dropped the kids off at my sister's house, and the Mr. and I got to go out for lunch together. I was going to take him to his favorite Hawaiian restaurant there, but they are closed on Sundays! Poor guy, didn't even get the yummy meal he had been looking forward to. At least he/we got out for lunch. And then he drove the kids home and fell into bed for a nap, he was that tired. Not a perfect birthday in some people's eyes, but he says he loved spending it with the people he loves.


  1. For your Sunday meal next time that favorite restaurant is closed, try this recipe: http://jaggy732.blogspot.com/2010/05/shoyu-chicken-just-like-local-boyz.html. The Man begs me to make it sometimes, and I get a serious hankerin' from time to time. We like this BETTER than the restaurant.


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