More Birthday!

Our girl turned 11 this weekend. Hard to believe we have 3 kids in the teen/tween ages. What a ride it has been so far!
For her 11th birthday, we took Dot out for dinner, without any siblings! She chose the restaurant - a local Mexican food place - and then we came home for cake!
 The next day she finally got a birthday party! We don't do parties for the kids every year - and when the birthday is in April, surrounded by a lot of other activities, other birthdays, and holidays!, the poor girl has had to wait a long time for a party. But this year we made it happen. We were going to have an outdoor event, with games and a treasure hunt; but then the forecast changed our minds. So we planned a craft party. We went to the dollar store (oh what a treasure for parties!) and purchased a bunch of shirts, hats and socks to decorate.
The girls arrived in the morning all giggly and wound up. Like most 10-11 year old herds. And then they started designing. It was so fun to hear them and see them create! I had my older girl, Stripes, and her friends help them out while I made lunch and dessert in the kitchen
 We set the clothes and designs out to dry and headed upstairs for the presents. Oh hoe I really like having an upstairs now - the noise and mess can be up there, away from my eyes and ears.
Can you see how happy Dot was to get the movie?! I think the girls already had it memorized, but now that we have it, they can sing along any time.
 Lunch was nachos - easy to prep, and easy for everyone to build their own. Instead of cake this year, we did bird's nests using chow mein noodles, peanut butter, chocolate and jelly beans. It was a fun way to celebrate instead of (more) cake!
The plan was to have a fashion show of all the items the girls had crafted, but user-error - I didn't realize the paint they used had to dry for 4 hours, and longer if it was liberally applied. Which it was.
So the girls just got crazy with what was on hand along with dress-up clothes, and walked the catwalk (hallway) in other creations. Lots of laughter and craziness anyway.
So we have a short break before the next birthday later in the week. And I still haven't got any idea what to do for this one!


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