Adventures with the girls

**I can't really write about our July adventures until I update what we did last month!** So here is the final revision of an entry I started a month ago**

Time for a field trip! With some but not all schools in the area still in session we grabbed at one last chance to go to a nearby attraction before there were too many crowds.
Just down the road is a place called Enchanted Forest. It was built back in the 70s and I can remember as a child driving by it on the way to and from Grandma's house, and always longing to go there. It looked so wonderful, so exciting! A play-land centered around fairy tale. I knew as a kid I would never be going to Disneyland (that didn't happen until I was 19, living in California) But this place ... it was near! It was a possibility, although maybe slight. And yes, as I got a little older and actually stayed with relatives without my parents, I did get to go to Enchanted Forest. Such happy memories. So now that we live nearer, I make sure my kids get to go there at least once or twice in their childhood.

It was time for the younger two to experience the fun.
There was a line formed already when we got there at the opening time, but it went quickly. And despite seeing two school buses, we did not get overrun by crowds. For the most part we had the areas we went into all to ourselves long enough to enjoy them.
The girls went running into the castle, exclaiming at all they saw.
We had fun with the goofy mirrors, 
and enjoyed "snacking" on Hansel and Gretel's story house.
There is a "western town" part of the park which had a tepee. 
My 6 year old decided to dance around the center.
And the slides were free so we went on those over and over again. I had a blast too!
You're never too old for the slide!

We made it to the special show The Princess and the Pea in the theater area. The bad queen mother was played by a man, which made it even funnier. A queen with a 5 o'clock shadow is something to behold. The goofy story and the hammy acting were enjoyable enough for all of us.

And then we made a walk through the 'good' parts again, making sure we saw everything and visited the slides again. 
On our way out the door we said goodbye to the alligator, 
and the girls asked, When can we come back?!
A successful field trip day I'd say, better than a trip to the grocery store.


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