Independence Weekend

The annual family camp-out happened this past holiday weekend. We hadn't been camping with the extended family in a few years. But I braved the elements and took the 5 kids camping without the Mr's help. He had to stay home and work, (and recover from a bad cough.)

We had a beautiful weekend on the coast. You know it's the Oregon coast because of the coats being worn. But this time the beach was warm, although it wasn't really sunny.

The kids had a great time playing in the sand, playing in the water, playing with cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents.

We took a hike out to Cape Lookout but only made it halfway. The hike was a bit more than we had anticipated with the young ones in tow.
The drop offs were pretty steep. And although it wasn't too taxing of a hike, it was too much for the little guys this time. The Boy was able to finish the hike later with other relatives.

 My youngest was really enthralled by the one park ranger's talk that we got to hear. It was all about owls and the sounds they make. After we went on a nature walk, we passed the presentation area at just the right time. Even though it was kind of cold, Little K wanted to stay and listen, and she paid close attention to everything the ranger said, even going so far to raise her hand and answer a question (which surprised me!)

We spent a lot of time on the sand - of course it's never enough for the kids. They made sandcastles and dug with their cousins. The Boy had his uncle's help on the wall he was making.

And you just can't keep The Girl Who Swims out of the water.

The campsite had enough bushes and tree growth around it so we didn't feel like we were in someone else's business.

Another great family camping trip - blessed to have such a great large group!


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