An Award?!

I've won an award! I never win anything, except that one time when I was nine and won a bucket of ice cream. Or the rodeo tickets I won off the radio. Other than that - I am not the winner. Until this week!

Someone out there likes me- well, likes my random blog thoughts - enough to present me the honor of One Lovely Blog Award! Thank you so much Dina ( I'm so new to this I don't know how to make your link the name! Maybe someone can help me here.

But now I have to send it on - according to what I have read at other sites, the rule is to bestow the award on 15 of your blogging friends once you’ve won. Um .. I don't think I have 15 blogging friends. What am I going to do?! Well, I'll just have to pick one ... one of the few blogs I read daily that isn't seen by a thousand people all the time. It's a hard choice. I don't want feelings to be hurt. But when it comes down to it, I love to read Kimmy's blog at
This sweet girl just married one of my favorite nephews last summer, and now they are expecting a baby this fall. I especially enjoyed the day she posted a video of her baby-tummy moving. She has been putting up photos of the growth of her tummy, and oh, it brings back wonderful memories of my babies and our anticipation. I am just all excited about having another little one around at the family reunions!


  1. Jules, choosing your blog was a total obvious to me! :) I love it!




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