Veggie- tales

He might look like a harmless giant but yesterday his true colors came out.
He's a thief.
We picked a ton of vegetables at the farm yesterday afternoon and I set most of them - the beans, carrots, corn, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, the one zucchini my dad set out for me - in the garage while I was cleaning up.
I had the kids set for travelling the neighborhood to share the bounty, and I was thinking about the bread, or maybe the cake, I would bake before supper. I went out to the garage to grab the zucchini for either bread or cake (not like I need more cake but it sounded so good!) and it was gone! Gone! A little green stub was on the ground. No dogs around, no zucchini. I know the kids didn't take it and eat it - that would never happen. All I could figure out was That Dog! grabbed it and ran. I found no other traces in the garage ... and I don't think I want to go inspect the 'remains' in the yard.
Unless ... this little black one was the thief. She has been known to swipe veggies from the hands of the children - she went with us to the farm and chowed down on carrots and beans. But I think she is just too small to devour an entire, large, zucchini. Maybe I'll send the kids out on "research" today.

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  1. Awwww....he looks perfectly innocent to me!! (Give him a nice rousing belly rub, would ya?) Love me so doggies!! That little gal looks like she could put away a zucchini easily! Reason I say is because I had a cockapoo (about 12 lbs) that sucked down an entire hot dog the split second it fell of the BBQ grill. I watched it happen. He didn't even CHEW. He opened his trap, inhaled and it was G-O-N-E. I wouldn't put it past her... :-)


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