Bountiful Harvest

This is what we picked from the garden about a week ago. The top is my brothers pickup bed, the bottom one is mine.

Now imagine all of that in watermelon instead. Two entire pickup beds covered in melons. That would be over 100 of those babies. And these are not the nice little basketball sized ones. They were huge, almost as big as my youngest child.
My brother brought them by last night, all 100+ of them, and offered half to my son to sell. Of course, this would involve mom and sisters, since he is only 10! We loaded up the back of the pickup and drove out to the big, busy road and set up some signs.
Within minutes we had a buyer, and then another, and then another. It was a slow trickle of interested eaters.
And then a guy drove up and counted how many we had left, and said, "Ill take them all" in a lovely Australian (?) accent. I think it was Australian b/c he said, "No worries" and really, who else says that?! So we loaded up his little 2 door car and he paid my son, whose eyes were bugging out by all that cash, and we cleaned up and went home.
And had ice cream.
I think the kids will want to do it again next week. The college savings is coming along nicely now.
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  1. Ooh, it all looks so delicious!! Supermarket fruits & veggies just don't do it for'd have a regular patron if I lived nearby!

  2. This is how it starts and then find yourself spending the next 9 years at the farm and selling veggies!

  3. very nice story....i bet the oldest was thrilled! let us know when you set up again, we will come by and buy some stuff!


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