A favorite place

One of my favorite places to be - the coast - and I get to go there this week!
Even though we might have to wear sweatshirts and jeans in the middle of August, it will still be so worth it, to smell the fresh salty air, to feel the cool breezes (and strong winds), to eat the clam chowder, to contemplate life.


  1. Ooooh! Me, too! Gosh, just the pictures make my shoulders relax and calm my heart. I hope you had a great time!

  2. cool - now come visit the OTHER side of that ocean... ok, I guess it's technically the middle area of the Pacific ocean? great, now I have to go look at a map...:) -ann

  3. Where is that? It looks so lovely. I miss the beach so much. {sigh} The Midwest is so....green. How that can become boring after a while, I couldn't tell ya. It just does.


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