Rainy days

When, oh when, will the sun come out and summer, or even spring, begin?
What, oh what, do I do with the 11 year old who wants to go and see and do?
After baby K was born we had some wonderful friends and family members take the kids to their homes for a day or two or three. It was a nice break for me, sure; but I think it was even nicer for the kids because they got to get out of the house, and even play with friends!
Now that baby eats every 2 hours in the daytime, and I need a nap every afternoon, going places is just a lot harder. So we haven't really gone anywhere 'fun' this month. Trips to a grocery store don't count for the older kids. It might have worked on them at age 5 but not now. And the rain - oh boy - that cuts out a lot of our free activities.
Today we took lunch out to my husband's office and then a side trip to get fuel at Costco. I thought of going in and trying the samples, but the amount of cars in the parking lot dissuaded me from that notion. So we drove out to an adjoining town to find this nice little museum that is free.
Except we couldn't find it. And baby was starting to make noises in her car seat. And my eyes were heavy and my head was starting to hurt. And we still couldn't find it, even though we had been there before! Finally I had had enough and turned towards home. No, my 11 yr old was Not Pleased about it. Being like his mom, wanting to go and do, not being able to was quite disappointing.
Hopefully we can figure out the map online tonight before we try again tomorrow. And I'll go when I am rested, not at nap time!


  1. hang in there. come on over to the beach. there are different legos, different books to read, wii, and if you are lucky you can get a quick walk on the beach before the rain comes down.
    Linda G


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