Word of the Week

Today's word is one we all know and love:
Gravy, the noun, the verb, the adjective.

It has been in high usage lately in our lives; never before have I heard it so much, except when I was growing up and could exclaim "Pass the gravy" at mealtime.
My husband has a phrase I had never heard until we were married: "that's just gravy"; it's one you tack on to the end of a comment, such as, "Our girls are smart, and well, their good looks, that's just gravy." He says this about all manner of things!
And then there is my favorite show, The Amazing Race, and the real winners of this season, Jet and Cord. The first time we heard Cord say, "Oh my gravy!" we laughed, because it fit so well. And then I came around to wanting to use that too. I am not one to say Oh my word, or Oh my goodness, or Oh my gosh .. nope, just doesn't sit right in my mouth. But Oh my gravy! Yes! Of course! Gravy, that wonderful tasting concoction, Oh my!
All this talk of gravy, I think I'll go mash up some potatoes for supper tonight.


  1. I actually saw "Oh my gravy" as a quote in the Statesman yesterday!


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