
So yesterday we couldn't find that museum. We came home, looked it up online - ah the wonders of the Internet - and found out where we had turned wrong. We also noted they were open from 10 to 4, Wed through Sat. Perfect! Off we went this morning, awake and alert.
After parking, and wrapping Baby up in her front pack, we walked up to the museum and turned the doorknob to go inside... only the knob wouldn't turn. It was locked?! What? The shades were drawn on the windows. The sign on the front door even said Open 10-4, Wed through Sat. I checked the time, 11:15 am. I checked the day, yep Thursday. What? A few disappointed kids stood with me, unbelieving, trying the doorknob again.
So we loaded back up and drove to find another museum next town over. (A nice thing about where we live, little towns nearby don't take long to get to.) We had been there once before a few years back and I kind of remembered where it was. But it wasn't there! We must have spent half an hour driving around this little town, back and forth, trying to find it. We even followed a sign that led us to nowhere. Never did find it. We settled on going to a park instead.
I'm going to take a break from museum hunting for a while I think.


  1. Was that the Jensen Arctic Museum? That was a great museum!


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