Easy Dinner

Last night was a basketball night, meaning supper had to be in a crock pot. Otherwise we are eating late and then getting the kids to bed late. And with church the next morning I try and find the quickest way to get supper on the table. So I saw a recipe on Tasty Kitchen website about pulled pork made in the slow cooker. I had never, ever, ever had pulled pork sandwiches until about a month ago when the church kitchen made them for a dinner night (another story another day.) Well, when I saw the recipe my mouth started to water. Drool formed on the sides of my mouth. So I went grocery shopping intending to buy pork since my husband does. Not. Like. Pork. At. All. Wait, what? Yes, he had the same pulled pork sandwiches, and actually liked them. I think. At least that's what I thought he said. Good enough for me. So I thought, finally we can have pork!
But the price of pork that I needed vs price of a roast? Fuhgeddaboutit. I bought the roast; placed it in the crock pot; poured a can of P*epsi over it, added brown sugar, honey and ketchup, (because I don't eat bottled BBQ sauce anymore) and set it on Low for 7 hours. When we got home from basketball the house smelled yummy! I sliced some cheese, placed it on large hamburger buns, shredded the beef from the crock pot, and we had a most delicious, extremely easy, supper. (Yes, mom we had vegetables and fruit too. And ice cream. A well rounded meal. A well rounded tummy.)


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