This morning

This morning I looked at my children and realized we had a lot going on right then.
There was school work being scratched out on the papers at the dining table. The baby was pulling everything she could grab out of the cupboard. I was  checking every few minutes to see what Baby was chewing on; and then I added the next ingredients to the bowl for making graham crackers again.
So I grabbed my camera. Of course. Just one more thing.
No I am not A.D.D. At least I don't think so.
And I snapped pictures of the LIFE happening in our house.
And another light bulb went off in my head. I tell ya, I'm full of ideas for projects! If anyone is bored I've got a bunch of ideas for you to try! I decided to start up another blog. Yep, you're the first to know. My other blog - titled At 10:38am -is accessible by just clicking here or on the title I just mentioned. I'll still be posting here; but now you have another site to waste time on have fun viewing.
There is no hidden message by 10:38. Not yet anyway. Maybe one will come to me someday, but for now, it's just a random time of day. I am busy in the morning. I wake up and my mind is racing. So I picked a morning time. Plus the idea came to me in the morning.
So I hope you go check it out. Enjoy the morning rush.


  1. I know the hidden meaning behind 1038. You want to go to the beach.

  2. Oh wow! Dave! You are SO right! It took me a few minutes to discern what you meant, and I realized that YES I DO want to go to the beach! I have been needing a beach day for months! Guess I'll have to go next week!


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