Party weekend

It was party weekend here. The kickoff was actually on Wednesday,
or rather, Tuesday afternoon when the kids were scurrying around
making Valentines to give to their friends at a party at Bible study the next day.
And then on Friday we attended another party at a friends' home. We had a fun lunch, played games, and visited. They exchanged Valentines and capped the day off with a game of musical chairs! How long has been since I/we have played that game!

But the fun wasn't over! On Saturday we went to a wedding shower for my niece who is getting married in two weeks!
I was in charge of the games this time around. I love being in charge of the games - then I don't have to play, and I get to tell other people what to do! (Always a huge plus for the youngest in the family.)
So I came up with these games:
The Price Is Right
Name that Spice
 What's In Your Wallet?
Lots of fun, lots of laughter, and some cool prizes, in my humble opinion.
Unfortunately this past weekend my sweetie was down sick with a bad cold.
He stayed home, which while it was nice to have him home, it was not so nice that he was sick.
Of course, I was able to go to the store and get prepared for all these parties, without kids in tow.
So that was a plus.
And this cute little face, with beans and cereal all over it? Well, it wasn't so cute later in the weekend. Her nose is runny and gooey, and her two upper teeth are coming in. BUT she is standing on her own, and we think she will be walking soon. She is also clapping her hands together now, and learning to wave.
Exciting stuff to us!
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