I actually like grammar

I was one of those kids who really liked 7th grade grammar class. We would diagram sentences and I was in heaven. My son has been learning to do this in school this year - he's not quite as enthusiastic about it as I was. But I am enjoying teaching it! I even have a book about grammar and common mistakes which I browse for fun.
Well, I also have a relative with similar grammar leanings. See her post here for what I mean.
But I just had to show you all these signs which are up near our home. They have been there for years. Years! I'm guessing it would cost too much to fix them. Maybe I'll take a Sharpie to them someday.

And yes there are two of them. One facing west, one facing east.


  1. I do that at school when I see words spelled wrong on posters. drives me crazy. don't you hate the mix up of its and it's, they're, there, and their ? drives me crazy
    Linda G

  2. Grammar is indeed good stuff! But this is about orthography... and your previous post had a word that was orthographically-challenged. Tsk tsk. We'll let it slide THIS time, though, because the picture is stinkin' cute. ;)

  3. I took me a good long stare before I could finally see what was wrong with it!

  4. I just finished reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves. For all the grammar sticklers out there, the book is a fun read. FYI, yes I punctuated the book title correctly.

    The only problem I had with the book was that it is punctuated with "proper" English--that is, British. They put their end-of-sentence punctuation marks outside the quotation marks. (For example: He said, "Give me back my ball"!) Every time I saw that I wanted to scream. But that's the way they write, so that's the way it is.

    Glad you liked my sign find! I'd totally go out Sharpie-ing with you, btw.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I don't think this is a grammar problem so much as a pronunciation problem. It was probably written by a Russian immigrant. I think it was supposed to read "Move slowly while entering roadway." If you read it like Boris or Natasha from the old Rocky and Bullwinkle show, it makes much more sense.

  7. Too funny Nate;
    Another one that bugs me is the misuse of verbs and nouns. When people say, "There's a bunch of papers." When it should be "There ARE a bunch of papers."
    And CH - thanks for the vocab lesson. Yes, a spelling issue for sure, but in my delirium over the misspelling I mislabeled it.


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