In my corner

In my corner of the world this past week:
I ran 2 miles with my husband! A first for us to do together.
I took Monday off from school. No school for the kids, no school for the teacher. A very nice day!
I took baby K in for her 9 month checkup. We've got another long and lean kid, with a large head.
I took a tour of a school nearby with all 5 kids in tow. Our son will be going to school next fall, so we are in the process of finding the right school for him/us.
I watched my girl's ballet practice, and the boy's basketball practice.
I stayed up way too late 2 nights in a row while my husband was out of town.
Thus I came down with a cold. Well, perhaps the two are not related, but maybe they are.
Either way, I have felt sinus pressure for the past two days, and I've felt wiped out.
Which makes it more challenging to parent solo, drive the kids to various activities if needed, and eat ice cream. Actually, that last part is never a problem. I could eat ice cream in a blizzard.
Thus, I made chocolate-peanut butter-banana milkshakes for dessert (ice cream in a *healthier* form right?)


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