The Beach

I finally made it to the beach! After months of pining away for the sand and wind and waves, I got to see my beloved coast.
In Oregon going to the coast does not necessarily equate with flip flops, shorts, sun, swimsuits. As you can see in the photos. Even though there was NO WIND blowing, it was still cool.
We had a lovely walk on the beach and then we visited my sister, brother in-law and niece.
After another walk on the beach with them, I noticed baby K not acting like herself. Her head felt very warm - too warm -- and my mother instincts kicked in. I knew something was wrong, but not sure what.
When we made it home that night, her fever was up to 104 and she was having little twitches, what I would call seizures, with her arms and legs. They went away with acetaminophen, but came back later the next day. We took her in to the doctor that evening and the good doc was able to diagnose - red sore throat, and fever ulcers on her mouth. A bug that is going around, lasts 3 to 5 days, and she should be fine.
It is scary to watch your baby seizure and not be able to do a thing about it! But I am thankful that there is medicine to help her fever come down and that the seizures are not damaging in any way. I'm also thankful for a strong husband who keeps me calm when I want to freak out, and for 4 great kids who took care of dishes and supper while we went to the doctor.
Spring Break has been anything but boring this year!


  1. Wow! I'm glad that it wasn't serious and that baby K will be back to herself in a short time :). I'm also a little jealous that you got to go to the coast already, I'm counting down the days til we can go too!! Thanks for sharing your pictures.


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