
We have had some little visitors in our house lately. They don't eat much, but leave a tiny scrap out on the counter and they swarm it. They don't take up much space, but there are a lot of them. They make no noise, leave no sign of being there, unless I happen to catch them.
Yes, we have ants. The annoying kind. No, not my mom's sisters. Nor my dad's. I like those aunts! I like it when they visit! But the ants we have visiting... I could live without them. I have for years. Until recently.
They are inundating our kitchen. They are driving me crazy! We have kill-counts each morning. How sad is that? I have to actually wash up the dishes each night now before bed, or we will come out in the morning to find ants and their extended families feasting on a little scrap of food I might have missed when washing down the countertops.
I know we are not the only ones. There are others in our town that have mentioned a very similar problem. I'm not ready for calling in the Exterminator. Yet. I'm trying the store bought Terro solution first. Maybe it will eliminate our unwanted visitors. But if you have any other suggestions let me know. I'm sure my happy-hunters will be all to glad to end their morning hunts.


  1. we have found out how to reduce the lady bugs by spraying around the windows with Lysol. it hides their scent. maybe if you can find out where they come in and out of you can spray Lysol there to see if that helps
    Linda g


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