
Here's a picture of my mom and her sister.

Don't they look like twins? My mom is the one on the right. She's the oldest of her 6 sibling,
and today is her birthday!
Long ago I used to wonder what my mom did all day. I figured since we were away during the day, in school, she didn't have much to do until we came home. How I laugh now at my naivete!
My mom taught me all about cooking; if she gets a call around 5:30 pm, she' ll know it's me asking, "How do I cook this?"
She tried to teach me to sew, but I wasn't such a willing pupil in that area.
She is now known as the cookie grandma to my kids. All they have to do is walk in her house, mention how hungry they are, and she (usually) asks, "Do you want a cookie?"
Happy Birthday Mom!
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  1. Ha! I'm pretty sure that when my mom's phone rings at 3pm (with the time difference) it is me asking how to cook something. And when it rings at 2pm, it's me asking here what a recipe is as I'm standing in the grocery store trying to remember all the ingredients for what I'll be cooking that night.


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