Where is Waldo?

We play a game in our house every day. It's a lot like hide and seek. But it involves just one person "hiding" and 6 others "seeking".
You can frequently hear me or G. ask, "Where's K--?" sending the other little people scurrying to find her.
She goes from room to room wreaking havoc, creating chaos, leaving a wake of overturned, pulled-out-of, unfolded, or ripped, destruction in her path.
The other day she was found in a bathroom happily shredding the toilet paper she had unrolled from the wall.
Later I found her sitting on the rocking chair she had climbed up on. Turn around again and she was standing on it. Thus the side-turned chair.
In other parts of our home - Big brother is helping little sis learn to ride without training wheels. It's a beautiful sight.
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  1. Oh boy, if we got our two little ones together, they would have a ball! Our house would be destroyed of course! We call our little guy a one man wrecking crew--glad it isn't just us!


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