The coming weekend

Easter is coming up and thus a menu needs to be made.
And I've got my list making notepads ready to go!
Instead of the traditional I want to try a little something different. Dreams of just a platter of bacon were nixed when I invited the in-laws over for Easter dinner. Instead, we'll be having a nice ham.
But then I got a little crazy and decided on potato salad. It must have been the sun shining in the window that did it for me - it looks like a warm day outside (even though it isn't!) and that makes me think of summer, and picnics and potato salad.
We'll have some corn, carrots, and salad. Hopefully I can make a batch of dinner rolls. And, of course, a delectable dessert. I'm thinking either cream puffs, with pudding inside, or else a chocolate coconut cake.
We've also got to make these nests. ** I made them last year for Easter and they seemed to be a big hit.
To round it out, I bought some sparkling cider so we can all partake of a special drink.

And now I'm hungry.

So what's on your menu?

**recipe also on my recipe page


  1. We're having hotdogs! And maybe potato salad, now that you mention it. It will be 80 degrees here on Sunday and my father-in-law sent us a hotdog roaster for Easter. Definitely cook out weather.


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