Running with stroller

I went for a run the other day with baby K in the stroller. Is there an technique to this stroller running? Am I missing something here?
So I tried running with both hands on the handle. That became frustrating because I couldn't swing my arms - which is kind of important when running. If I tried to swing my arms while holding onto the handle, I could see baby's head bobbing a little bit too wildly for my comfort.
So I switched to just holding on with my left hand, which happened to have the safety loop attached to that wrist. My right arm was swinging wildly at that point. So I knew that wasn't going to work for long.
So I switched to holding the handle, and the safety loop, with my right hand/wrist. That felt even more awkward. I briefly, for a nanosecond only, considered just holding the safety strap and moving the stroller ahead of me with a push. But I didn't. I kept my hands on the wheel, so to speak.
But then my shoulders started to hurt, because really, when do they get practice pushing a stroller while running except when I am pushing ... the stroller ... and running?
I tried putting the stroller way out in front of me. I attempted running with it really close to me. Not comfortable either way. Unfortunately my stroller does not have a handle that adjusts up or down or left or right. I don't know if they come that way. Maybe my engineer brother could come up with a prototype and we could patent it and retire early. Maybe I'll just keep running with the stroller and build up those shoulder muscles.


  1. It's called a "jogging" stroller...not a "running" stroller. He, he. It's been a while (and obviously not my kid), but you need to find a friend (like me, but who doesn't live on the other side of the country) to trade off with you (hence why I have 'jogged' with a stroller). Miss you!


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